

Work at Home Benefits

by Mitchell Cator
'I want to be my own boss' is today's most cited reason for people opting for work at home. Amongst numerous advantages the most important benefits of work at home are:

Stay with family: One of the most popular benefits driving people to work at home is that one gets to stay with the family all the time. This strengthens the bond between family members and every member can contribute towards the work. Children can also understand the importance of work when they see their parents working hard to earn their living and make them happy. Parents can also take good care of their kids as they stay with them throughout the day.

Freedom of time: One can work at his own leisure- there are no fixed office hours, no bosses and certainly no hectic targets to be met. Work at home allows one to fix their working hours at their ease and can take break from work whenever needed depending upon their call for other household work or even for rest.

Financial savings: Work at home or home office results in tremendous financial savings for an individual. There is no rental cost or separate electricity bill, no daily transportation cost to and fro from office making your business more competitive. This enable one to reap more financial gains from business and much of the profits are used in expanding business as there are very little or no overhead costs.

Increase in productivity: Home office means there is no commuting time for the entrepreneur and no time wasted for lunch break or tea breaks resulting in more time for business. Work at home thus increases the productivity of the business as the owner is able to spend more time on business activities.

Freedom of work: Work at home allows one to do so many types of work and is not doing one job daily in a monotonous manner. While working at home one can change the nature of job and can do various work at one time.

Tax Benefits: Work at home entitles you to claim a part of household expenses such as rent, electricity bills, and telephone bills against business profits. One can also claim house repair and maintenance, property tax, insurance costs etc. from taxable profits. This results in huge tax savings and thus resulting in financial gains for the home business.

As people are becoming aware of the benefits of home business more and more of them are getting attracted towards work at home opportunities and this phenomenon is becoming popular day by day.

Online Business On A Shoestring

by Daniel Moro
If you want to start an online business and you have virtually no budget there are several options available to you. This article explores online businesses that you can start on a shoestring - for those of you who are on a tight budget but still want to start an online business.

Before you start any online business you will need a computer with access to the Internet, but since I think you are reading this article online, I am going to assume that you already have those. And that is good because it means you already have the major expenses taken care of. If you have a computer and Internet access then you can get started with an online business today.

Here are a few online business ideas for those on a tight budget.

1. Launch a Web Site

It is not expensive to set up an online publication in the form of a web site, ezine or blog. You can obtain a good web hosting package for as low as five dollars per month. If your budget is too low even to afford that then you could set up a free blog at

The key with a web site business is to build popular sites with a large following of regular readers. Then turn that traffic into revenue through advertising, subscriptions, and sales of your own products and services.

For your web site content I recommend that you write your own original articles as that can be more effective and less expensive. By having original content your pages will rank more highly at the major search engines. Another option is to pay freelance writers a fee for writing articles for your site. It is also possible to source articles from free article directories but keep in mind they will not be original.

2. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate programs are one of the most popular ways for companies to market their products and services online. A company offers a product or service. As an affiliate you sign up to promote the product. Your task is to send a stream of visitors to the company's web site. You do this using a customized link that allows the company to identify which affiliate referred the visitor. Whenever a visitor sent by you buys a product, you earn a commission.

Many affiliates promote affiliate products by placing advertisements at pay-per-click search engines. If you are on a tight budget, however, you can use other methods to promote affiliate products such as promoting them on your own web pages or writing articles relating to the product.

3. Article Marketing

Article marketing is one of the best ways to build an online business at no cost. In fact article marketing can be a business in itself. Article marketing involves writing articles that webmasters can use on their web sites, in return for showing an "About the Author" resource box at the end of the article. That paragraph about the author includes a live link to the author's web site.

You can write articles on almost any topic imaginable. Article marketing is very popular because webmasters need content for their web sites and good content is hard to come by.

Those resource boxes are your opportunity to obtain large amounts of web traffic at no cost. You can use your resource boxes to send traffic to your own web site or to send visitors to landing pages that promote affiliate products.

4. Freelance Writing

If you like to write but you do not want to set up your own web site or online publication, you can still start working online, for example as a freelance writer. Freelance writers are paid to write many types of documents, from articles for magazines and newspapers through to business sales letters, instruction manuals and even greeting cards.

These are only a few ideas for launching an online business on a shoestring. There are more online business ideas at

Daniel Moro's web site covers much more than starting an online business on a shoestring. Download a free ebook on '10 Remarkably Effective Traffic Building Techniques' today at


Seo Writing For Your Own Website

by Kit Heathcock
Writing copy for your own website is a complex business. Not only do you have to write good copy to publicise your business and sell your services but, if you want your website to get seen, you have to understand a little about how the web works. SEO, Search Engine Optimization is the buzz word. Big businesses will pay for specialist SEO services, but what can small business owners do, if they are writing and building their own websites? The first thing to look at, before you even start writing, is the choice of keywords. Keywords are the words that search engines pick up on, the words that people type in to the Google Search Bar. You can purchase programs that research keywords and rate their effectiveness and if your business is internet based with multiple websites it is an excellent investment. If however you have one small website and just want to do the best you can yourself, there is still a lot you can do in a low-tech way to improve your chances.

Think about your business. What words would someone type in if they were searching for the type of services or products you offer? If you are a specialist supplier or technical expert, catering to other knowledgeable clients, then the terms they are likely to type in to search might be quite technical and specific, but if your business serves the general public then you may need to exercise your imagination. Try it for yourself. Use a search bar to type in a few keywords that you think relate to your business and see what results you get. If the selection on the front page represents mainly businesses similar to yours then you are on the right track. If not, keep trying new words and combinations of words.

Spend plenty of time on this research. Have a look at what keywords your competition are using. What words recur in their titles and sub-headings, what search terms find them?

Try to get the balance right between too general a term and too narrow a phrase: eg typing in just 'travel agents' would produce such a huge mass of results that you are unlikely to feature on the front page ever. Typing in rather 'travel agents San Diego', would narrow it down to a geographical area, and typing in a specialist area as well, would again narrow down the search results. So look for your specialist areas and find a phrase that covers them, but one that people might realistically think of and be able to spell.

This is another area to consider. There are loads of misspelt words that make good search terms, just because people frequently spell them wrong when searching. So you could decide to misspell a word on your website on purpose to attract that traffic. This has to be offset against the detrimental effect of misspelt words to your professional image. Only you can decide that - it depends on your area of business and likely clientele.

Once you have found a few keywords that reflect your main areas of business, select two or three of the most relevant and start writing your home page copy. Your chosen keywords need to be used several times each, but you must be careful to use them in natural language. Resist the temptation to over-use them. Search Engines get suspicious if you pack in keywords in artificial language and will mark you down on it. Use the keywords in the first sentence and in the last sentence of each page and, when they fit naturally, about once in each paragraph. Use your prime keywords in headings in bold too. This adds to their impact, weighting the importance and relevance that the search engines give to them.

If your website is several pages long, choose different keywords according to the main subject of each page.

Search engines value content above all and content that is regularly updated will maximise your chances of being seen. Build a text space into your home page that you can update every week, with latest news, a new article or whatever is relevant to your business. Do remember that Search Engines are looking for relevant content, so splashing an article about travel when your business is in catering won't help your ratings - choose to feature latest food trends rather.

After you have written up your copy with keywords in mind, read through it afresh. There is no point in perfect keyword research and placing, unless that copy also speaks to your potential clients. Your copy needs to appeal to humans as well as search engines!

Copyright 2007 Kit Heathcock


The Top 10 Reasons Why Online Buyers Abandon Their Shopping Cart

by Miles Galliford
In the online world, when a shopper starts the purchase process, but does not complete it, it is referred to as "abandoning the shopping cart". The purchase could be for a product, service, subscription or any other transaction, where an individual has to pay money via an online form.

Research undertaken by MarketingSherpa ( and E-Tailing in 2006 discovered that average abandonment rates were 60% and 47% respectively. This means that the average commercial website is losing as much as half of its potential revenue.

Shopping carts abandonment is the single biggest cause of lost revenue for commercial websites.

The top ten reasons for abandonment, in order of importance, are:

- Hidden charges at the checkout

- Having to register before buying

- The buyer was comparison shopping and found a better deal

- The shipping costs were too high

- The buyer didn't have time to complete the checkout process

- The product was out of stock

- There were no clear delivery details

- No phone number was provided

- The checkout process was too long

- The buyer was uncomfortable with the checkout process

Any website with a checkout should continually test and redesign the process, until the dropout rate is minimised. There is no single right answer to creating the perfect checkout design, but there are many things that can be done to make the process better.

Ten Simple Ways You can Improve the Checkout Process

Avoid adding hidden costs during the checkout process. This breaches trust and makes people question the value of the product or service you are selling

Provide all the information a customer could possibly need at the beginning of the checkout process, including confirmation of what they are buying, the total cost including postage and packaging, delivery times, availability, links to the terms & conditions and returns policy, as well as contact details for a real person.

Don't make people register or give personal details until they are ready to make a purchase and pay. Many websites still make the mistake of demanding personal details as soon as a visitor wants to add something to their shopping cart.

Limit the choices that people have to make when checking out. Research has shown that the more choices people are given, the higher the dropout rate.

Ensure that any shipping costs are fair and reasonable.

Ask for the absolute minimum of information required to process a transaction. Every extra piece of information you ask for increases the chance that your buyer will not complete the purchase.

Ensure you have clear contact details on EVERY page of the checkout process. Most people won't call you, but it reassures them that someone is available if they need help.

Clearly state that all transactions processed through your site are secure and encrypted. Also make it clear that you have a privacy policy, which protects the buyers' identity and data. The statement linking to the policies could read "We take your privacy and the security of your data very seriously. Click here to read our security and privacy policies".

The first piece of information you should collect is an email address. This gives you the chance to email people who don't complete a transaction, to ask if there was a problem, and if you can help them complete their transaction.

Make the checkout form visually appealing and very, very simple. Studying and improving the checkout process on your website can have a dramatic impact on the revenues you make. Many of the changes are simple and common sense, while others will only come to light through continual testing.

Above all else, you should make a trial purchase every time you make a change, and at least once a week to ensure everything is working properly, and so that you can experience what your customers are experiencing.


Make Money At Home: Be a Successful Work At Home Mom with Your Kids! You can!

by: Susan Joy Dahl
How can a work at home mom really make money at home?

That’s the question. Please don’t tell me about network marketing & affiliate internet marketing programs to run around for hours to make peanuts! What about the 20 year old kid who makes a presence online to make money at home? Doesn’t that just fry your brain? If young kids can learn how to utilize the computer, couldn’t I? For the weary & overworked mom, either alone or married, learning how to make money at home can be overwhelming. However, I knew that if I make money at home, I could still be home with my kids! That’s my desire & reality!

I thought: “You see this computer? This is my best hope to make money at home & to be a successful work at home mom!” Would $300 to $1000 a week help the finances? Would that amount of money every few days, or, when I really learn this stuff, once a day, be possible? Sure, with the computer, internet, & web sites, this goal can become your reality over time, if you stick with it. The work at home mom needs to be able to make money at home in a substantial amount with part time and flexible hours. I only have 5 hours a day to do my magic online!

Learn internet marketing secrets as a free Make Mega member from trainers who make millions of dollars with effective & simple techniques that anyone can learn. They are not Bill Gates of Microsoft but they do make millions from their Gateway laptops! The funds… 100% commission at $70, $300, or $1000 a pop… go directly into the bank account of your choice! It doesn’t get much better than that!

God comes first, then family, then work. God bless you for having the desire to be a work at home mom & to make money at home. To be a wife and mom is an honor, not a lowly position. Perhaps, you do not want to chase after a career to be away from your family or children for 40 to 60 hours a week. You can choose to be a successful work at home mom & to make money at home. Now I have an enjoyable & prosperous family life. If I can do it, so can you. Let me help you get there!


Susan Dahl
Outreach Coordinator of Solid Rock Development

Google Adsense - Ads That Make You Money!

by: Lewis Low
Imagine... being paid checks by the largest and most popular search engine, simply for displaying a few ads on your website for FREE?

Well, this is exactly what the Google Adsense program is all about! And when you think about it, it's a revolutionary way of earning yourself a useful online side income. But let's back up a bit...

In the past, many webmasters displayed ads from various companies, via pop-ups, banners, pop-ins and pop-unders. However, visitors to these sites soon got tired of these advertising methods - I mean, who'd like to go to a website where they'd have to close pop-up windows every other minute? This resulted in a dramatic loss of traffic, and in turn made many webmasters to lose profits.

That's when Google announced a novel program – Google Adsense. Instead of having to use banners and pop-ups to advertise companies and gain a commission, website publishers could now earn a decent profit by displaying unobtrusive text ads on the content pages of their website. Since the ads displayed were often directly related to what your visitors are looking for on your site, you had a way to both monetize and subtly enhance your web content.

One of the main reasons for its popularity, is the fact that the Google Adsense program is incredibly accurate. By stepping beyond the boundaries of simple keyword matching, it has quickly become one of the most prominent tools to display accurate advertisements. A list of keywords is still used as the basis of triggering ads, but complex algorithms now ensure that non-relevant ads no longer show up on your site.

Google Adsense also gives you the option to be selective about the type of ads you wish to display. This helps you direct your visitors towards certain type of products and avoid non-relevant or competitor ads. To make it possible for everyone to integrate Adsense into their sites, the program offers a wide variety of settings that allow you to alter the ads' size and appearance.

Google offers their Adsense program to just about all website owners. After signing up for the program, you'll receive an HTML/ XML code to paste on all of your web pages. Then, Google will dynamically generate ads that are relevant to your web content. Whenever a visitor clicks on one of the Adsense ads on your site, Google credits your account with a percentage of money that was paid by the advertiser for that ad.

To sign up for this terrific program, hop over to It's super easy to set up - just a few clicks of your mouse and you're ready to go! Once you start displaying targeted Google Adsense ads on your website, you can expect to generate a sizable income depending on the traffic flow to your site and how many visitors actually click on the ads.

Make Money Selling Ebooks with CBMall

by: Paul Heingarten
Information is one of the biggest reasons people surf the internet. Finding out how to lose weight, how to meet that special someone, how to work for yourself and fire your boss...the topics go on and on. Amongst the sites that deal with topics like this are an ever-growing collection of eBooks. eBooks are a great item to sell, as there are no printing or shipping costs. All you need is the website from which to sell eBooks.

CBMall takes care of the website for you. All you need to do is promote ebooks that are sold through CBMall, and you receive a commission on all sales through your mall. The "CB" in CBMall refers to Clickbank, which is one of the largest repositories for eBooks on the internet. CBMall takes the most popular, best selling eBooks from Clickbank and makes them available in an easy to use website that functions like an online shopping center, or "e-mall".

I purchased a CBMall back in 2005. With your purchase, you receive your own link that gives you commissions on all sales made from people who click your link. You do not need a website, which greatly reduces the amount of investment you need to make. Your CBMall account gives you access to a knowledge base of how to get started with promoting your CBMall and even offers some words of encouragement from Jeff Mulligan, creator of CBMall.

Jeff has created a great mini course on CBMall and how you can use this to develop your own online business. The course is free to take and it is a great way to check out CBMall without spending any money at all.

I have been impressed with the ease of use of CBMall, and its various features. There aren't any hidden surprise charges that come up after you buy it. The only other investment you can (and should) make is in promoting your CBMall link, since that is the way you make money through CBMall. The good news is, Jeff offers you a good amount of information on how to market and promote your CBMall. The great news is you are not forced to buy loads of software or sign up for any hosting or long term monthly service agreement.

I've promoted my CBMall through some Pay Per Click ads on Google and MIVA, as well as some Ezine ads. I've sold several products through CBMall and have built up a considerable amount of subscribers to Jeff's CBMall mini course. I will be paid commissions if any of the subscribers under my name purchase CBMall. There is some sample promotional copy for CBMall available through the site, just keep in mind you'll probably want to use your own as a lot of people will probably use the standard stuff.

CBMall gets an A+ with a big gold star. This is a great tool - just remember, you'll need to spend time and some money to get it to work for you (just like any worthwhile business venture.)

Find out about more about CBMall here


Making Money Online - Mary, Steve And A Work At Home Opportunity

by Elaine Currie
People seeking ways to make money online, often give up because it seems that success with an online business requires a big cash investment. It is true that an online business needs to be advertised, otherwise nobody will visit your website and you won't earn any money.

Free and paid for methods are available to promote an online business. Both types of promotion work. Free advertising methods usually need an investment of more time and results often take longer. The process of setting up paid methods is quicker and the fastest results are very often obtained from the most expensive forms of advertising. The logical conclusion to draw from this is that a person with a large advertising budget will inevitably succeed faster at making money online than a person with a budget of absolute zero. However, when you are talking about starting an Internet based home business, logic does not always apply.

If you read articles about starting a home based business online, you will come across advice about what is essential to online business success. The most often quoted qualities are patience and persistence but you will probably never read an article that says the sure way to achieve success with a home based business is by starting out with a massive budget. Let me illustrate why this is the case with a true story.

Two people, who both already had full time jobs, joined the same online home business opportunity and received exactly the same training and support. Briefly, what they each needed to do was either build a website from scratch, or customize a website using a free template, and then promote their website to earn money from various affiliate programs.

One of those people was an intelligent young man in his twenties (we'll call him Steve) who had a well-paid and rewarding career but was drawn to Internet marketing by things he had heard about the possibility of earning large amounts of money online. Steve had a strong ambitious streak and wanted to get rich in as short a time as possible.

The other person (we'll call her Mary) was in her fifties and working for not much above minimum wage (because when you are aged over fifty you are lucky to get that much). Mary had to go back to work full-time after her husband was disabled by a stroke and they still had mortgage payments to meet. Mary just wanted to find a way of making a little extra money online so that she could work part time and spend more time at home with her husband.

As I said, Steve had a good job, and he had quite a bit of cash saved up. This enabled him to pay a freelance designer to build a website for him and then get off to a fast start using paid advertising methods.

The loss of her husband's income and the expense of putting kids through college had eaten up Mary's saving. So she learned about html coding and used a free template to build her own website. Then she started advertising her website using free promotional resources. She then managed to raise a small amount of cash by selling some stuff she no longer needed via a garage sale and this cash was used for some paid advertising. Mary ploughed her profits back into her home business each month and persisted in her efforts with free advertising. By the end of her eight month running an Internet business, she was earning enough to meet her mortgage payments each month and the day she would cut her job down to part time hours was getting closer all the time. Giving up her job altogether to earn a full-time income working at home is no longer a dream, it has become a realistic target.

Sadly, Steve was not around to witness Mary's triumph. He had relied totally on his money working for him and this was a big mistake. He did not spend wisely and failed to calculate what level of return he would need to make a profit. One big error Steve made was that he did not monitor his pay per click advertising campaigns closely. Just that one error brought a loss of over $3000 within about two weeks. At that point he gave up trying to make money with an online business. His reasoning was that, if a professionally built website and an investment of over a thousand dollars a week couldn't bring success in his attempt to make money online, nothing would.

If this was a work of fiction, I would now reveal that I am, in fact, "Mary". However, this is a true stroy and I am neither Mary nor Steve and it took more than eight months for me to get to the stage Mary has achieved. My story is quite close to Mary's but I didn't have the inspiration of having a garage sale!

The moral of this story (insofar as there is one) is that cash is no substitute for patience and persistence when you decide to start a home business online.


Money Fast and Easy for Life

by Randy
Nearly everyone in internet marketing is talking about how great it is to make money with articles. And it's true, articles are an awesome and easy way to make money online. And the best part is, there is more than one way to do it.

You can create articles that generate free traffic to your website and get you sales for what ever it is that you are selling.

These same articles can send traffic to websites you are promoting as an affiliate and get you long term residual income in the form of affiliate commissions.

You can create websites full of meaningful content and run Adsense ads on your WebPages to generate income by selling targeted advertising to people that are looking for targeted traffic.

You can even quickly create your own e-books and sell them on their own mini sites, or even sell resell rights to these e-books.

The truth is, there are many ways to make money by way of writing articles and there are the most profitable and simple ways to do it. There is a free 65-book digital book vailable on how to create great articles that generate traffic as quickly and effortlessly as possible!

Access the private member download area with the code "MAMBO" to get the complete article marketing course & audio.


Download PC Satellite TV - How this can make your life more enjoyable

by Sandra Moore
Have a PC in your office and want to know what the news are but don't feel like going into your living room to turn on CNN? I totally understand where you are coming from, so I went ahead and downloaded a program that lets me watch Satellite TV anytime I want to on my PC. Often when I am in the middle of my busy work day and just simply need a quick break from my work at home desk, I just simply switch over to my TV program quickly check out the news and the latest baseball scores, sometimes I even watch a cooking show to get inspiration for dinner, and without having to walk throughout my own house and get sidetracked by the laundery that needs to be done or the floors vacuumed. To me there is nothing worse than getting sidetracked for too long. This way I can just enjoy a good show for 30 minutes in my office and go straight back to work, it also comes in handy when my cable provider goes down again and I cant watch regular TV for a few hours. But lately I really learned to appreciate the luxury of having Satellite TV on my computer as well as laptop. When I travel I have access to any channel I want to, not just the local channels the hotel offers. And my son is able to watch shows in different languages and learn more being that any good Satellite TV program also comes with a variety of international channels. Have a layover at an airport, watch TV on your laptop. Tired of everyone hooging the TV watch Satellite TV on your PC To learn more about Satellite TV Click Here!


How To Make $1,000 With One Article In Under 24 hours

by Randy
This is a very quick step, but it will show you exactly how I earned over two thousand dollars in the first few weeks I started promoting affiliate programs.

I started off promoting three affiliate programs, I then wrote 3 articles based around all those affiliate programs and I put links to them in my article. Mind you I did not have a web site or anything sophisticated like that :) I submitted articles to hundreds of ezine publishers which I found at and and sent them out in one day.

These articles produced over $1200 in sales in three weeks. In my article by-line I also placed my autoresponder link so they could sign up for my free course. With these names, which were just over 700, I gave them the chance to buy another product from me that I happened to buy the resell rights to. I earned another $1100 from these people as

well in that initial 3 or 4 week period. So that's just a bit over $2300 in sales in 4 weeks work.

I was also getting checks every month for doing nothing as other people began promoting my articles with out me asking them. I also ended up getting my name blasted all over the search engines as people who published my articles put them on their web sites.

I also signed up quite a lot of people under me, who are now selling these products and I'm still earning commission from their hard work. I love 2-tier affiliate programs, they bring you in just a little bit extra every month for nothing with no permanent web site.

That's it. It cost me nothing to set up and the advertising was free, so it was all PURE PROFIT. I do the same thing now every month without fail. While what I made in that month is small compared to other affiliates, it goes to show you how putting a little hard work in your first month online can bring you amazing profits.

The longer you keep promoting your affiliate programs and trying new methods, you will constantly see increases every month in your commissions.

You can get the complete step-by-step article course and audio for free using the Member Registration Code "MAMBO" here:


Applying for a credit card

by Mammon
Given that you are reading an article about credit cards, you are most likely thinking of applying for one. If you have the right reasons, then this is an excellent idea, however you need to make sure that your circumstances support it. If you have good credit, you can get an excellent rate, however if you have any past credit issues then you need to keep an eye out. There are sharks out there who will promise you the world, but end up giving you something ridiculous something like 23% APR with a $300 limit, and almost that much to activate it. Yes, this really exists, from a bank in North Dakota.

With good credit

With good credit and a good income, just about any card is available. Often, if you have particularly good credit, you will get offers in the mail and not even have to go out looking for them. Of course, if it came in the mail, it's probably not worth going for anyway.

In fact, the best credit card can even be something usual, for example a rewards card from a grocery store. A surprisingly large number of grocery stores have partnered with a local bank to provide rewards cards that double as visa cards, and as a discount card as well. A few stores will also send customers coupons when they spend a certain amount.

Often good credit holders can get discounts on insurance, no annual fee credit cards, point rewards credit cards, and much more because they have meticulously attended to their credit score.

With Bad Credit

Although your credit might be quite bad at the moment, there are still much better ways to build it back up then by going with something like the abysmal card mentioned above. If you go to your bank, they'll probably be able to set you up with a secured credit card, which will at least give you something. They'll ask for a security deposit, usually at least 25% of the limit, but possibly as high as all of it, and have a low limit to boot. Still, this will give you the chance to re-establish your good credit score, at which point your bank will most likely be willing to remove the restrictions.

However, beware--these unsecured offers that come in the mail are often worse than the above-mentioned North Dakota card. Go to your bank or credit union for your secured credit card; they may even have a way for you to apply for your credit card online.

How To Make Money From Your Website

by Steve Hill
Would you like to start making some money from your website? Are you looking to increase the amount of money that you are making from your website? I would imagine that most webmasters would have answered both of these questions with a big loud yes. Why not? We all need to earn money to live, some people say that money does not always bring happiness but in my opinion it certainly helps and makes life that little bit easier.

I am a webmaster who has nine years experience of seo, web marketing and web promotion. I have made a lot of errors in these years but have also learnt from each and every one of them. I now believe that I have quite a good knowledge about how to dominate the major search engines for a websites main keywords and also about how to make fairly easy money online.

Only last year my web promotion advice helped a friend of mine to reach the top of for the very competitive search phrase of car insurance. This enabled him to sell his insurance comparison website for £100,000.

There are number of ways in which you can make money from your website. One of the most popular is to sign up to google adsense. This is where you enable google to place their adwords advertisements on your website. If you have a high traffic site, you can make quite a lot of money out of this program, without having to do any work. If your site has only a small amount of visitors you can then start to promote the site to attract additional traffic.

There is also the option of signing up for affiliate programs, this again can provide a nice little income. Examples of these programs are sites such as hypnosis downloads and amazon.

You can also sell text links on your website to help promote other websites. This is generally not a good idea however as the major search engines always advise against doing this.


MasterCard Gold and Platinum Credit Card Benefits

by cynthialstewart
MasterCard is one of the largest credit card issuers in the United States. The reward programs offered with Gold and Platinum MasterCard are truly exceptional. Providing a great value in terms of rent saving, reduced repair costs, travel rewards, and a lot more these reward cards are true money savers.
MasterCard provides insurance for its credit card holders. As MasterCard is growing in popularity and is being accepted worldwide, MasterCard has launched its global service to cater to this growing clientele.
If you travel a lot MasterCard has a lot to offer for your travel and stay in a hotel to be truly rewarding. The travel assistance services offered by MasterCard will help you greatly. The purchase assurance coverage, baggage delay coverage, extended warranty coverage will take the blues out of your travel and renting experiences. While traveling if you are having a MasterCard gold or platinum card you are covered for hotel/motel burglary, lost or damaged luggage also.
For a great shopping experience that rewards you handsomely MasterCard provides purchase assurance, satisfaction guarantee, extended warranty, price protection and not to mention fabulous discounts with their preferred partners.
Having a good credit history can easily get you a Gold MasterCard, while Platinum MasterCard might require excellent credit history. There are numerous credit cards, offered by MasterCard, which offer one or more combinations of above mentioned rewards. To get more details one should contact the financial institution that has issued the credit card for complete and accurate details of the benefits that will apply for that credit card are eligible for.
Moreover ,it pays to stay in touch with the credit card issuer because the reward programs constantly get reviewed. This can lead to a particular reward being extended, improved or in some case dropped from the benefits list. However, the credit card issuer will notify you at least 60 days in advance before cancelling any benefits or rewards. Make sure to checkout with the existing terms and conditions minutely before buying any reward card.
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Bank Charge Unfair

Bank Charge Unfair
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Banks have been charging their customers extortionate amounts whenever they go overdrawn, a cheque is bounced, a direct debit payment is returned, etc.
The Office of Fair Trading has ruled that it is unlawful for banks and credit card issuers to charge more than the cost incurred to them when their customers:
* Go over their overdraft limit
* A cheque is bounced
* A Direct Debit is returned
* And many other similar misdemeanours
Penalty charges are illegal. Banks can only impose charges, which are in proportion to their costs. Many believe there's no way a £30ish charge, when someone exceeds their overdraft limit or bounces a cheque, is proportionate.
Remember it could simply be 1p over the limit and you're charged, and even if it's more, you pay interest anyway. It's their costs we're looking at. Does it really cost £30 for a computer to write and send an automated letter?
If it isn't proportionate then it's illegal, and thus you've a right to your money back.
How can charges get so big, why do people reclaim £1000s?
These charges snowball. Imagine you go beyond the overdraft limit, you're then hit with a fine for that and a couple of fines for bounced cheques or Direct Debits. Now suddenly you're around £100 down, which you can't afford to repay - next month there are more fines - and so it continues.
Why don't the banks fight back?
I believe there are two reasons banks haven't yet effectively fought back. First they worry courts may set a precedent against them, opening the floodgates for millions to reclaim their charges. Plus there's the fact that to fight this fully in Court, banks would have to reveal their costs; this is commercially sensitive and the last thing the banks want to do - even if they have to pay out compensation.
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Charge Back with the Bank, Bank Charge Unfair