

How To Make $1,000 With One Article In Under 24 hours

by Randy
This is a very quick step, but it will show you exactly how I earned over two thousand dollars in the first few weeks I started promoting affiliate programs.

I started off promoting three affiliate programs, I then wrote 3 articles based around all those affiliate programs and I put links to them in my article. Mind you I did not have a web site or anything sophisticated like that :) I submitted articles to hundreds of ezine publishers which I found at and and sent them out in one day.

These articles produced over $1200 in sales in three weeks. In my article by-line I also placed my autoresponder link so they could sign up for my free course. With these names, which were just over 700, I gave them the chance to buy another product from me that I happened to buy the resell rights to. I earned another $1100 from these people as

well in that initial 3 or 4 week period. So that's just a bit over $2300 in sales in 4 weeks work.

I was also getting checks every month for doing nothing as other people began promoting my articles with out me asking them. I also ended up getting my name blasted all over the search engines as people who published my articles put them on their web sites.

I also signed up quite a lot of people under me, who are now selling these products and I'm still earning commission from their hard work. I love 2-tier affiliate programs, they bring you in just a little bit extra every month for nothing with no permanent web site.

That's it. It cost me nothing to set up and the advertising was free, so it was all PURE PROFIT. I do the same thing now every month without fail. While what I made in that month is small compared to other affiliates, it goes to show you how putting a little hard work in your first month online can bring you amazing profits.

The longer you keep promoting your affiliate programs and trying new methods, you will constantly see increases every month in your commissions.

You can get the complete step-by-step article course and audio for free using the Member Registration Code "MAMBO" here: