

How To Make Money From Your Website

by Steve Hill
Would you like to start making some money from your website? Are you looking to increase the amount of money that you are making from your website? I would imagine that most webmasters would have answered both of these questions with a big loud yes. Why not? We all need to earn money to live, some people say that money does not always bring happiness but in my opinion it certainly helps and makes life that little bit easier.

I am a webmaster who has nine years experience of seo, web marketing and web promotion. I have made a lot of errors in these years but have also learnt from each and every one of them. I now believe that I have quite a good knowledge about how to dominate the major search engines for a websites main keywords and also about how to make fairly easy money online.

Only last year my web promotion advice helped a friend of mine to reach the top of for the very competitive search phrase of car insurance. This enabled him to sell his insurance comparison website for £100,000.

There are number of ways in which you can make money from your website. One of the most popular is to sign up to google adsense. This is where you enable google to place their adwords advertisements on your website. If you have a high traffic site, you can make quite a lot of money out of this program, without having to do any work. If your site has only a small amount of visitors you can then start to promote the site to attract additional traffic.

There is also the option of signing up for affiliate programs, this again can provide a nice little income. Examples of these programs are sites such as hypnosis downloads and amazon.

You can also sell text links on your website to help promote other websites. This is generally not a good idea however as the major search engines always advise against doing this.